Beautiful pics of Paris Hilton and Emily Osment feet & legs

Carter Milliken Reum, born on February 5, 1980, in the US, is an American writer and venture capitalist. He is most notable for being the husband of Paris Hilton and also for founding M13 Ventures an angel investment firm. Carter Reum's income is primarily made through his investment angel company M13. M13 has invested and made exits for Jessica Alba's The Honest Company, Matterport and Ring. He's earned a hefty living through his many ventures in business. USA Today reported of DJ 41 as well as reality TV star social media mogul Carter Reum, 41 had welcomed their first son. Hilton posted a photo on Instagram which appeared to show her baby grasping at her thumb. Emily Jordan Osment born 10 March 1992 in Los Angeles. Haley Joel Osment from The Sixth Sense, is her sister. Eugene is known for her acting. The next step in their path, Emily started her acting career performing in several commercials, which included an air-time spot featuring Dick Van Dyke, before making her film debut in "The Secret Life of Girls." In the role of one of the daughters of Glenn Close and Christopher Walken Emily received an appearance of the Hallmark movie Sarah Plain and Tall Winter's End. The role earned her being nominated for Best Young Actor.

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